Healthcare Professionals Clearblue DIGITAL Ovulation Test

Clearblue® Digital Ovulation Test

Accurately predicts ovulation1

The Clearblue® Digital Ovulation Test range is over 99% accurate in detecting the urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) surge that occurs 24-36 hours prior to ovulation.2​

Typical LH surge during menstrual cycle

Typical LH surge during a menstrual cycle.

Proven method of detecting peak fertility

Variation exists with regard to total menstrual cycle duration between and among women, and such variation appears to result from changes in the early, follicular phase of the cycle.3 Because of these differences in follicular phase length, the day of the LH surge varies from woman to woman and from cycle to cycle, making it challenging to accurately detect the timing of peak fertility. Typically, menstrual cycle length can range anywhere between 23 and 35 days, with 52% of cycles varying by five days or more.4

It is known that many women have low levels of LH present in their urine throughout their cycles. The Clearblue® Digital Ovulation Test therefore sets a personalized threshold level for each woman, by measuring the change in LH level from their personal baseline. 

Digital Ovulation test

Digital read, for greater accuracy

Reading the results of traditional line tests can be difficult for users, this was demonstrated in a study that showed as many as one in four women misread the result from a traditional ovulation test.5 Digital results take away this potential human error and data shows that when compared to traditional line tests, the Clearblue® Digital Ovulation Test is more accurately read by consumers.5

No LH surge screen on digital ovulation test

No LH surge detected – the woman should continue to test the following day.

LH surge detected on digital ovulation test

LH surge detected – this is the most fertile time of the woman’s cycle. If she has intercourse within the next 48 hours, it will maximize her chance of becoming pregnant.

The Clearblue® Digital Ovulation Test is available in two pack sizes to allow women to buy a box of 10 Test Sticks (1 month supply) or 20 Test Sticks (2 month supply) and to accommodate the variability in women’s length of cycle. In addition, the Test Holder is reusable the following month should the user have Test Sticks left over from the current testing cycle.

Women should use the chart found in the pack insert to calculate when they need to start testing, based on their cycle length. A woman who does not know her cycle length is advised to wait one menstrual cycle, and note the length of this cycle, before using the Clearblue® Digital Ovulation Test.

The Clearblue® Digital Ovulation Test is:

  • Accurate – over 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge in urine2 to pinpoint her 2 most fertile days
  • Unmistakably clear - digital results for greater accuracy in consumers' hands3
  • Adaptive - adapts to a woman's own LH surge threshold
  • Simple to use – easy read digital results
  • Recommended - Clearblue® is the #1 OBGYN recommended brand6
  • 1 Behre HM, Kuhlage J, Gassner C, Sonntag B, Schem C, Schneider HP, et al. Prediction of ovulation by urinary hormone measurements with the home use ClearPlan Fertility Monitor: comparison with transvaginal ultrasound scans and serum hormone measurements. Hum Reprod 2000;15(12):2478-82.
  • 2 SPD data on file. Clearblue® Digital Ovulation Test has been shown to be 99% accurate when compared to a reference method in laboratory studies using urine samples from 123 cycles where LH surge was identified by a reference method.
  • 3 Lenton E., et al.  Normal variation in the length of the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle: effect of chronological age.  Br J Obstet Gynecol (1984) 91: 681-684.
  • 4 I Soumpasis, B Grace, S Johnson. Real-life insights on menstrual cycles and ovulation using big data, Human Reproduction Open, Volume 2020, Issue 2, 2020, hoaa011.
  • 5 Johnson S, Ellis J, Godbert S, Ali S and Zinaman M. Comparison of a digital ovulation test with three popular line ovulation tests to investigate user accuracy and certainty. Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics (2011) 5 (6): 467-73.
  • 6 Data on file.